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The highest standards of hygiene and traceability

In pharmaceutical manufacturing, compliance with stringent hygiene requirements is just the start; you must also trace and document every batch throughout the value chain – and as with any modern industrial application, you need high efficiency.

Optimal hygiene throughout your facility

Our washing systems can be configured for a wide range of temperatures and detergents, and careful nozzle placement and efficient rinse and washing processes ensure compliance with stringent requirements and prevent the spread of pathogens and contaminants at your facility.

A detailed overview of your processes

Our monitoring and QC solutions give you a complete and detailed overview of your processes down to crate and pallet level. Drill down into consumption figures and washing results to identify areas in need of improvement, and track your assets across multiple sites using RFID tags or barcodes.

Finding the solution you need

We work closely with you to define your business requirements through a project process that covers all important aspects – whether you need a fully integrated solution with several processing modules or a standalone machine. No two businesses are the same, and requirements vary. We make sure that we cover yours.

Our project




& QC systems



Contact us

Contact us for more information on our solutions for the pharma industry:

+45 9892 0011