180 års jubilæum

2023-11-28T08:21:27+00:00May 12th, 2023|

Vi er glade og stolte over, at vi i dag fejrer vores 180-års jubilæum.  I løbet af de sidste 180 år har Brüel Systems oplevet betydelig vækst og succes. Vi har overvundet udfordringer og tilpasset os ændringer på markedet, alt imens vi har holdt fast i vores kerneværdier og leveret produkter af høj kvalitet til [...]

From rainy Denmark to sunny New Zealand

2023-11-28T08:25:54+00:00January 24th, 2023|

From rainy Denmark to sunny New Zealand This morning our parking lot was full of #cranes and #trucks. We loaded a washing machine onto a truck and got it ready for its long journey. It requires cooperation and precision to get the machine on the truck, but with a joint effort, it worked smoothly. The washing machine needs [...]

7 new employees, october 2022

2023-11-28T08:01:43+00:00October 12th, 2022|

Due to our large order intake, we have had the pleasure of welcoming 7 new employees to our team this month, giving us the extra hands needed to handle our many projects from a-z. We are therefore honored to announce our new and highly skilled employees in the following roles: (From left to right: David Stien [...]

Organizational changes in Brüel Systems

2023-11-28T08:23:13+00:00September 9th, 2022|

We are pleased to announce organizational changes at Brüel Systems: With effect from the 1st of September 2022, the organizational structure in Brüel's project department has undergone a change. Leif Thomsen, who has more than 35 years of seniority at Brüel Systems, has been appointed to senior project manager with responsibility for selected key accounts. [...]

Brüel Systems vil fastholde lærlinge

2023-11-28T08:05:43+00:00August 12th, 2022|

Hos Brüel Systems kan vores to nyopstartede smedelærlinge Magnus og Rasmus samt vores produktionschef Nicolai Høst tilføje endnu en titel til CV’et – nemlig radiostjerner. I morges gæstede de morgenradio på P4 Nordjylland. Her snakkede de bl.a. om det høje frafald hos lærlinge på erhvervsuddannelser, men også hvad vi gør, for at fastholde og motivere vores [...]

Samme kolleger – Nye titler

2022-07-01T06:14:41+00:00July 1st, 2022|

Vi er utroligt glade for, og stolte over at vi kan sige ”velkommen” til et par velkendte ansigter. Carina Morell Kollerup som er vores tidligere Supply Chain Engineer forfremmes til rollen som R&D Manager, og Martin Sørensen som er vores tidligere Automation Engineer, vil fremover være vores nye Automation Manager. Vi glæder os til at fortsætte vores gode [...]

Svenska Retursystem to save energy with new Brüel Systems washing solution

2023-11-28T08:32:00+00:00March 18th, 2022|

Svenska Retursystem to save energy with new Brüel Systems washing solution Swedish reusable system operator Svenska Retursystem will install a new high-capacity washing and handling solution for pallets and crates from Brüel Systems A/S at a new site. The new solution will provide very high washing and handling capacity while also helping Svenska Retursystem achieve [...]


2023-11-28T08:29:37+00:00February 21st, 2022|

BACK IN THE 80's. From a small local blacksmithing company founded in 1843 to one of the world’s leading suppliers of washing, drying, and handling solutions of recyclable crates, bins, and pallets Since we built our first washing #machine almost 50 years ago, we have constantly worked to improve our solution designs to improve efficiency and lower #environmental impact. [...]

Praktikant i automationsteamet

2023-11-28T08:20:28+00:00February 18th, 2022|

I sidste uge fik vi fornøjelsen af vores nye praktikant Espen Fabricius Swane skal de næste 3 måneder hjælpe vores automationsteam, med blandt andet at udvikle styring til vores anlæg og strømline HMI-skærmene. Han beskriver sig selv som lidt af en nørd, der er vild med #teknologi, #robotter og dét at få ting til at [...]

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